Stellify Developments Earns Silver Badge from Supply Chain Sustainability School! 🎓

We are thrilled to announce that Stellify Developments has officially become a member of the esteemed Supply Chain Sustainability School and proudly received our Silver Badge! 🤩

At Stellify Developments, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. This milestone is a testament to our unwavering commitment to sustainable practices and our dedication to continuous learning and improvement. As a Silver Badge holder, we are recognised for our efforts to integrate sustainable strategies into our operations and projects.

Our Journey to Silver
Achieving this badge is a significant accomplishment made possible by the hard work and dedication of our incredible teams. Both our on-site and procurement teams have completed comprehensive training modules to deepen their understanding and application of sustainable practices. The modules completed include:

✅ Introduction to Sustainable Construction: A foundational course that covers the principles and importance of sustainability in the construction industry.

✅ Sustainable Strategy: This module equips our teams with the knowledge to develop and implement effective sustainability strategies that align with our corporate goals.

✅ Air Quality for Plant and Equipment: Focused on improving air quality by managing emissions from construction plant and equipment, this module ensures we are taking steps to protect the environment and community health.

✅ Lower Carbon Concrete: With a focus on reducing the carbon footprint of our projects, this module explores the use of innovative materials and techniques to create more sustainable concrete solutions.

Why This Matters
Sustainability is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity. By becoming members of the Supply Chain Sustainability School and achieving the Silver Badge, we are not only demonstrating our commitment to sustainable development but also leading by example in the construction industry. This achievement ensures that we are continually improving our practices and staying at the forefront of sustainable construction.

We extend our gratitude to the Supply Chain Sustainability School for providing such valuable resources and training. We also want to thank our teams for their dedication and hard work in achieving this milestone. Together, we are building a more sustainable future.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards even greater sustainability achievements!

Stellify Developments – Building a Greener Tomorrow 🌍

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